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Privacy Policy

Last revised on July 27, 2023

Welcome to, We would like you to know we appreciate your trust in us by processing the information you have shared as carefully and sensibly as possible.


This Privacy Policy explains how Get My Color Ltd. collects and processes your personal information through Get My Color Ltd. website. The Privacy Policy has been developed by taking into account the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter – the Regulation), Personal Data Processing Law and other applicable laws and regulations in the area of privacy and data processing. Policy is applicable to the processing of the data of natural persons (in this policy - Data Subject or you) regardless of the form and/or environment the personal data is submitted, and what is the acquisition source of the personal data. Taking into account that we are constantly developing and improving our service, we may change and supplement this Privacy Policy from time to time. Get My Color Ltd. saves the previous versions of the Privacy Policy, and these are made available when contacting us.


In accordance with the current legislation Data Subject has the following rights: to request access to his/her personal data; to request rectification or erasure of his/her personal data, to the extent possible; to request restricting or object to processing of his/her personal data; to request movement of his/her personal data (portability), to the extent possible; to withdraw his/her consent given to process personal data at any time; to lodge a complaint to the national personal data protection supervisory authority; to contact Get My Color Ltd. and obtain additional information about the processing of his/her personal data.

Data Subject is entitled to request from Get My Color Ltd. access to his/her personal data and to receive clarifying information on what personal data about him/her is at the disposal of Get My Color Ltd., for what purposes Get My Color Ltd. processes the personal data, the categories of the recipients of the personal data (persons to whom the personal data has been disclosed or to whom it intended to be disclosed, if the laws and regulations in the particular case permit Get My Color Ltd. to provide such information (for example, Get My Color Ltd. may not provide to the Data Subject information regarding relevant state authorities which direct the criminal proceedings, are subjects of operative activity or other institutions of which the laws and regulations prohibit to disclose the information), information concerning the period of personal data retention, or criteria used to determine the mentioned period.

If the Data Subject believes that the information at the disposal of Get My Color Ltd. is outdated, inaccurate or incorrect, the Data Subject is entitled to request the correction of his/her personal data. Data Subject is entitled to request deletion of his/her personal data or to object against the processing if the person believes that the personal data is processed illegally or is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected and/or processed. The personal data of the Data Subject may not be deleted if personal data processing is necessary for Get My Color Ltd. to protect vitally essential interests of the Data Subject or another natural person, including life and health; for Get My Color Ltd. or the third party to raise, implement or protect their legitimate (legal) interests; data processing is necessary in accordance with the laws and regulations binding to Get My Color Ltd. Data Subject is entitled to request Get My Color Ltd. to limit the processing of the Data Subject’s personal data if one of the following circumstances exists: Data Subject contests the accuracy of the personal data – for the period while Get My Color Ltd. can verify the accuracy of the personal data; processing is illegal, and the Data Subject objects against deletion of the personal data and instead requests restriction on use of data; Get My Color Ltd. no longer needs the data for processing; however, it is necessary to the Data Subject to raise, implement or protect legal claims; Data Subject has objected to the processing while it has not been verified whether the legitimate reasons of Get My Color Ltd. are more important than the legitimate interests of the Data Subject. Get My Color Ltd. informs the Data Subject before cancellation of the restriction on processing of the personal data of the Data Subject.

Where processing is based on consent, Data Subject is entitled to withdraw the consent given for the data processing at any time the same way that Data Subject provided it. In that case further data processing on the basis of the previous consent for the particular purpose will no longer be performed. Withdrawal of the consent does not affect data processing performed at the time when the consent was valid. Data processing performed on the grounds of other legal bases (for example, in accordance with the external laws and regulations or contract) cannot be terminated by withdrawing the consent. Data Subject can submit a request concerning exercise of Data Subject rights: in a written form in person by presenting an identification document; by electronic mail, signing the letter by a secure electronic signature; by sending mail to the registered office of Get My Color Ltd. Data Subject is obligated as much as possible to clarify in the request the date, time, location, additional identifiers and other circumstances that might aid in fulfillment of the request. After receipt of a written request of the Data Subject concerning exercise of their rights, Get My Color Ltd. shall: verify the person’s identity; evaluate the request and act in the following way: if it can ensure the request, perform it as soon as possible; if additional information is necessary to identify the Data Subject or to perform the request, Get My Color Ltd. may request additional information from the Data Subject in order to be able to perform the request correctly; if information has been deleted or the person requesting the information is not the Data Subject or the person cannot be identified, Get My Color Ltd. may reject the request. Data Subject is entitled to submit a complaint to the Latvian Data State Inspectorate if he/she believes that Get My Color Ltd. has processed their personal data illegally.



Address for correspondence: Kurzemes prospekts 3K, Rīga, LV-1067, Latvia


In order to promote transparent data processing, Get My Color Ltd. in its activity informs and explains what personal data are processed when conducting the economic activity of Get My Color Ltd. and how it will be used. The mentioned information is provided in this Privacy Policy. When processing the personal data for purposes that are not specified in this Privacy Policy, as well as to clarify information regarding individual conditions of the data processing, Get My Color Ltd. may inform the Data Subject individually (for example, in the separate policy or other document, with notifications in the e-mail messages or in the social network platforms. The aspects of data processing may also be specified in the mutual agreement). The information may also be provided by Get My Color Ltd.’s personnel explaining it orally or requesting to familiarize with the information specified in particular documents.




Upon registering on the Website and creating your own customer account (hereinafter the ‘Account’), the User’s personal data is used in order to enter into an agreement with Get My Color Ltd. on creation and maintenance of the Account that is used as a communication channel for concluding the Distance agreement. Upon creating the Account, the User confirms that he/she is informed that the data he/she inserts is being processed to create and maintain the Account, including, to create and retain the wishlist and purchase history, and send the User information related to the performance of the Distance agreement, such as information about updates to the order. Get My Color Ltd. needs to receive and process the personal data in order to conclude the Distance agreement using the Account as a communication channel. If the User does not provide said personal data, he/she will not be able to create the Account and conclude the Distance agreement.

In addition, the information contained in the wishlist and purchase history is used to improve the services and product offers provided by Get My Color Ltd. based on the legitimate interest of Get My Color Ltd. to compile the information about the quality of the offered services and products. The information contained in the Account regarding the concluded Distance agreements (purchased products), is retained as evidence of the Distance agreement being concluded and performed. This information is stored by Get My Color Ltd. based on the legitimate interest to protect its rights and interests in the event of a dispute and the obligation imposed by the law to retain information about the conducted business activities. The personal data concerning creating and maintaining the Account and entering into and performing the Distance agreement is processed only by Get My Color Ltd. and its business partners, who provide delivery services, IT structures, and payment platforms. The minimum scope of personal data is transferred to the business partners on a need-to-know basis. Within the scope of this purpose, the personal data is processed until deletion of the Account, or until the storage period set out by the laws of the Republic of Latvia expires, or the statute of limitations for bringing an action in court lapses, whichever sets in later.


When applying for the receipt of marketing communication, for instance, newsletters, information on Product campaigns and special offers, the User consents to Get My Color Ltd. processing his/her personal data that has been indicated in the Registration Form and the form of order execution, including the geographical location and purchase history. Get My Color Ltd. processes the personal data to send commercial newsletters that are topical and suitable for the User. Get My Color Ltd. performs various types of profiling by summarizing the information provided to analyze what products and services the User could be interested in and to send a commercial statement of appropriate content. If User purchases Products on the Website, Get My Color Ltd. will use his/her e-mail address to send the commercial communication about similar products, even if the User has not applied to receive commercial communication. If the User does not wish to receive such notices, he/she has the possibility to opt out of the further use of the email address for sending commercial notices in a separate e-mail that is received immediately after placing the order, as well as in every commercial notice. The personal data that are associated with the delivery of commercial statements are processed solely by Get My Color Ltd. and its co-operation partners, who ensure IT structures, and platforms for sending e-mails. Co-operation partners receive the minimum amount of personal data. For the performance of this purpose, the personal data shall be processed until the moment when the consent to the receipt of commercial statements is recalled, or the User has opted out of receiving commercial statements. Information on the recalling of consent or opting out will be retained in order to accordingly comply with the request not to receive any marketing communication. Get My Color Ltd. shall cease the sending of marketing communication, as soon as the request is processed. However, be advised that the processing of a request depends on the technological possibilities of meeting the request, which may require as long as five working days.


Upon leaving a review about the Products, the User agrees that his/her name, the assessment given and the review is published on the Website. If the User has created the Account using the option to register via Facebook, his/her picture of a diminished size may appear with the review. If necessary, Get My Color Ltd. may contact the User on the phone or via e-mail in order to resolve any issues related to the service or product, for which the review has been left. After contacting the User Get My Color Ltd. will cease using the phone number or email address provided in connection with the review. The personal data with regard to posting the review is processed by Get My Color Ltd. and its business partners, who provide IT structure and review platform. The minimum scope of personal data is transferred to the business partners on a need-to-know basis.



For the purpose of concluding the Distance agreement Get My Color Ltd. needs to obtain and process the personal data specified in the order placement form. If the User fails to provide the personal data, he/she will not be able to conclude the Distance agreement. Get My Color Ltd. compiles and stores the information about the purchase history for the purpose of improving the services and products provided on the basis of the legitimate interest of Get My Color Ltd. to compile information about the quality of the offered services and products. The information contained in the Account regarding the concluded Distance agreements (purchased products), is retained as evidence of the Distance agreement being concluded and performed. This information is stored by Get My Color Ltd. based on the legitimate interest to protect its rights and interests in the event of a dispute and the obligation imposed by the law to retain information about the conducted business activities. The personal data with regard to entering into and performing the Distance agreement is processed only by Get My Color Ltd. and its business partners who provide the delivery services, IT structure and payment platforms. The minimum scope of personal data is transferred to the business partners on a need-to-know basis. Within the scope of this purpose, the personal data is processed until the time the data storage period set out by the laws of the Republic of Latvia expires, or the statute of limitations for bringing an action in court lapses, whichever sets in later.


When applying for the receipt of marketing communication, for instance, newsletters, information on product campaigns and special offers, the User consents to Get My Color Ltd. processing the personal data that has been indicated in the form of order execution, including the geographical location and purchase history. Get My Color Ltd. processes the personal data to send commercial statements that are topical and suitable for the User. Get My Color Ltd. performs various types of profiling by summarizing the information provided to analyze what products and services the User could be interested in and to send a commercial statement of appropriate content. If the User purchases Products on the Website, Get My Color Ltd. will use his/her e-mail address to send the commercial communication about similar products, even if the User has not applied to receive commercial communication. If the User does not wish to receive such notices, he/she has the possibility to opt out of the further use of his/her email address for sending commercial notices in a separate e-mail that is received immediately after placing the order, as well as in every commercial notice. The personal data that are associated with the delivery of commercial statements are processed solely by Get My Color Ltd. and our co-operation partners, who ensure IT structure and platforms for sending e-mails. Co-operation partners receive the minimum amount of personal data. For the performance of this purpose, the personal data shall be processed until the moment when the consent to the receipt of commercial statements is recalled, or the User has opted out of receiving commercial statements. Information on the recalling of consent or opting out will be retained in order to accordingly comply with the request not to receive any marketing communication. Get My Color Ltd. shall cease the sending of marketing communication, as soon as the request is processed. However, be advised that the processing of a request depends on the technological possibilities of meeting the request, which may require as long as five working days.


Get My Color Ltd. doesn't sell products for purchase by children. If the User is under 18, he/she may use Get My Color Ltd. Website only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.